Spir Dynamics 576-7 2/12/95




A.  Definition and Introduction.

            1. There are four spiritual mechanics.

            2. Definition.

                        a. A mechanic is the science of how things work or function.

                        b. Mechanics is the science of action of forces on a system.

                        c. Mechanics is a science that deals with the action of forces dealing with motion.

                        d. Mechanics is the science of how moving parts of a system perform complete functional motion or fulfill an objective.

                        e. A skill is the ability to do something well as a result of perception, application, and practice.

                        f. In our study, the term skill is a part of the three spiritual mechanics of the Christian way of life, in which God’s plan, will, and purpose for the Church Age believer is resolved.

                        g. Mechanics defines a divine grace system of the spiritual life of the believer, the assembly of the moving parts of the plan of God designed to accomplish the purpose, will and plan of God for the Church Age.

                        h. Therefore, mechanics is the sum total of how the moving parts of the spiritual life perform a complete and functional motion toward the four objectives of God’s plan for the Church Age.


B.  The first spiritual mechanic is the two power options.

            1. The first power option is the filling of the Holy Spirit, in which God the Holy Spirit controls your soul. This is the divine energy or power that causes the plan to function. Until the Church Age there was no mandate to be filled with the Spirit, there was no indwelling of the Spirit, and there was no filling of the Spirit. There was a ministry of Spirit to less than one percent of all Old Testament believers called enduement. God the Holy Spirit was given to the human authors of the Old Testament, certain leaders and great men like Abraham, Moses, David, the Judges, and the men who built the Tabernacle and artilces of furniture. Certain sins meant that they would lose the enduement of the Holy Spirit.

            2. The second power option is operation Z, which is the perception and metabolization of Bible doctrine. Operation Z begins with the pastor- teacher teaching doctrine. If the believers are positive to doctrine, then the Holy Spirit teaches their human spirit. The result is academic understanding of that doctrine as GNOSIS. When you understand doctrine academically, you make a decision to believe or not believe it. If you believe what is taught, God the Holy Spirit sends that doctrine into the stream of consciousness of the right lobe of the soul as EPIGNOSIS. The doctrine is now metabolized and usable for function in your soul.

            3. The two power options convert divine power from God the Holy Spirit and the word of God into the believer for the function of the spiritual mechanics of the protocol plan of God. When the fuel (the filling of the Spirit and metabolized doctrine) are properly used, then the moving parts of God’s system produce motion, energy, and action (spiritual advance).

            4. Every Church Age believer has this spiritual life, which can only operate under divine power. There is no spiritual life until you utilize these two power options. There is no place for human power, human talent, or human works in the execution of the spiritual life for the Church Age. Any attempt to compromise divine power with human works shuts down the machinery, so that the moving parts of the spiritual life do not function.

            5. There are two analogies for the two power options.

                        a. The automobile engine transforms chemical energy into mechanical energy. The chemical energy is gasoline. Gasoline and air are mixed and burned, creating motion in the piston in the engine. The piston moves the crank shaft, which changes reciprocal motion into rotary motion. The filling of the Spirit is analogous to the gasoline. The spiritual life can never operate without fuel, just as a gasoline engine cannot operate without fuel.

                        b. The human body has moving parts which also require energy. The power that runs the human body is food which has been metabolized. Food is analogous to metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.


C.  The second spiritual mechanic is the function of three spiritual skills.

            1. The filling of the Holy Spirit is not only the energy and the power for the spiritual life, but it is also a spiritual skill.

            2. Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is not only a power option but is also a spiritual skill.

            3. The filling of the Spirit and metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness are the basis for the formation of the third spiritual skill—the formation of problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.


D.  The third spiritual mechanic is the deployment of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul and their application.

            1. The three spiritual skills result in the deployment of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.

            2. The ten problem solving devices are:

                        a. Rebound.

                        b. The filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        c. The faith-rest drill.

                        d. Grace orientation.

                        e. Doctrinal orientation.

                        f. A personal sense of destiny.

                        g. Personal love for God the Father.

                         h. Impersonal love for all mankind.

                         i. Sharing the happiness of God.

                         j. Occupation with Christ.

            3. The ten problem solving devices only become operational as we utilize the two power options and function under three spiritual skills.


E.  The forth spiritual mechanic is the execution of the protocol plan of God through the three stages of the adult or sophisticated spiritual life.

            1. There are four spiritual objectives in the execution of the protocol plan of God. There are two tactical objectives and two strategic objectives.

            2. The first spiritual objective is also a tactical objective. The first tactical objective is spiritual self-esteem or a personal sense of destiny. A tactical objective is the base of operation for a strategic objective. Spiritual self-esteem plus cognitive self-confidence or doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness form the tandem problem solving devices of personal love for God the Father and impersonal love for all mankind. Spiritual self-esteem plus metabolized doctrine plus providential preventative suffering produce spiritual autonomy. Spiritual autonomy plus cognitive independence from doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness plus sharing the happiness of God plus passing momentum testing attains the second tactical objective.

            3. The second tactical objective is spiritual maturity. You now have the base of operations for attaining the strategic objectives.

            4. The first strategic objective is occupation with Christ. A personal sense of destiny plus spiritual maturity results in the deployment of problem solving device number ten—occupation with Christ. This requires maximum Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness or cognitive invincibility.

            5. The second strategic objective is maximum glorification of God. Occupation with Christ plus passing evidence testing produces attains the second strategic objective. At this point the believer is an invisible hero, a winner believer, a witness for the Prosecution that declares the doom of Satan and millions of fallen angels, Mt 25:41.


F.  Summary.

            1. These four spiritual mechanics were given to every believer in the Church Age to qualify them under equal privilege and equal opportunity to be witnesses for God against Satan in Satan’s appeal trial. Only a few believers make it to the witness stand in each generation.

            2. If a believer lives under quenching and grieving the Spirit, he is a loser believer. He fails to execute the protocol plan of God.

            3. The greatest power demonstration from born again human beings comes in the Church Age. It is a far greater principle that we use than has ever been used before. The ordinary believer in the Old Testament never had these things available. The greatest people in all of history are the ordinary believers of the Church Age who learn and use these mechanics. You have the greatest opportunity for greatness in history.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1996, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
